Sustainability, The Big Picture

Accelerated Biological Organics Processing (ABOP) provides infrastructure that is cost-effective enough to have everywhere there is “compostable” or organic feedstock. To define the terminology, organic resources are wood, yard waste, food waste, greases, vegetable oil, paper, and anything else that will biologically decompose. Local processing of organic resources, waste as it currently is referred to, provides the opportunity for a huge improvement in our sustainability efforts. Local processing is a very cost-effective and environmentally protective option, which is now available with ABOP. Conventional composting is expensive and has proven itself to be inadequate to provide sustainability or environmental protection. Diverting organic materials to a nearby ABOP system is both green and cost-effective. There is no longer a reason to poison our resources (air, water, and soil) with our organic resources. ABOP is the biological stripping of the energy of the organic feedstock by microbes. The majority of the capital expenditures, maintenance costs, and use of fossil fuels is avoided.


The Global Methane Initiative Features a Sustaining Organics Program